Results Count
The key to our success has been our deep understanding of the very sector we service. It is most likely that at some point in our careers we have worked in the very role we are recruiting. We have often just “stepped out of the chair” and we make it our job to stay connected to the industry through our many contacts, closely following industry trends and changes to ensure we understand its current needs.
At SBG we believe that this understanding helps us deliver a successful result time and time again on many levels, including cultural fit, skill set, long term placement and an efficient turn around on each assignment.
Who Are You?
We quickly and intuitively grasp your corporate culture or alternatively understand the culture you may be strategically striving to create. I am sure you will agree, this is a key aspect of any search and identification process, we have all experienced the mismatch of corporate culture to employee culture and the effect it can have.
We also understand the skill set required to complete the role. In transport it is very much “horses for courses”. No use recruiting an Accountant for the Operations Manager’s role!
We Make it all Stick
We pride ourselves on recruiting for the long term as we of all people, appreciate the external and internal cost of recruitment. We want to build a long standing, trusting and strategic relationship with our clients and that starts with long term placements.
We probe into the candidates skills set asking questions that validate claims made in CV’s. In addition we delve into areas such as what motivates and inspires them, what are their priorities in life and what are their long term aspirations or lack of (remember not everyone is ambitious). We ensure you are informed of these key issues to assist you to make an informed candidate choice.
Candidates are GOLD
At SBG, whilst we hate saying this, we will “it is not all about you the client”; it is equally about the candidate. We have all been candidates from time to time, it is inevitable. We all know how daunting the process can be. So we treat our candidates with respect, we ensure their first impression of your company is a professional and welcoming one. By default when you engage our services we became the first point of contact for the candidate and we all know how important first impressions are!
We also believe once a recruitment process has been committed to it should be completed in a timely manner, so forgive us when we remind you of this during the process. Remember candidates are people and they often put their careers/lives on hold during the recruitment process.
Critical to us are long term placements, the early days of an appointment are critical for long term retention. We will make no apologies for asking you to ensure candidates will be inducted, have the key tools of their trade available from day one and that there is a training plan in place. No one wants to fail, you, the candidate or us.
Let’s get on with our Jobs
We are all busy; we appreciate how busy you are in the transport and logistics world, remember we have lived it! So we will not ring you incessantly, sure we will check in from time to time but we will call you only when we have something of value to “bring to the table”. We will leave the pesky phone calls to our opposition; they must have the spare time! After we have proved ourselves we will count on your loyalty and the fact that you will call us when you need us and the balance of the time you can focus on your business.